In it together

Back in July, when I first received a call from Aly to say I'd got in, the 10in10 seemed a long way off...a hazy dream...a distant horizon.

Well now the time has almost come. In just two days I'll be heading to the Lake District to team up with the gang in the Brathay Bubble, gathering in anticipation and a little dread to boot.

Seven of this year's twenty-strong group have done the 10in10 at least once before and can hopefully be a calming influence on the rest of us. But each year is different, preparations are never the same, and I'm sure this challenge doesn't become any easier with experience, at least physically.

So in various states of excitement, nerves, readiness, panic, hope and resolve we will be re-united this week. Whatever comes our way over the next fortnight, all the joy and pain, hard work and achievements, I am absolutely certain we will share and support each other wholeheartedly.

None of us can do any more than we have to be ready to run 10 marathons in 10 days. No time to squeeze in more miles, yoga, stretching, physio or even decent sleep given the inevitable butterflies fluttering merrily away this week. "Que sera, sera!" as they say.

However, there's one thing it's certainly not too late to do. Give a little something to the Brathay Trust to help them continue supporting disadvantaged youngsters each and every day. So please donate here if you can!

Our first communal meal on Thursday evening, the final one before we hit the road on Friday, is playfully dubbed our "Last Supper"  but I for one think of it as our first celebratory meal together. We've all made it to the start line, certainly the first significant test given the months of training with all the inevitable setbacks, niggles or injuries along the way, so why not celebrate such an occasion?

Of course our biggest test is about to begin. Ten laps of Windermere, hopefully counting 20 people out and 20 people back in each day, after which we'll quite rightly enjoy an evening meal together, sharing our stories and strengthening our bonds, to celebrate chalking off one more.

So here's to what's sure to be an experience of a lifetime  bring on the roller-coaster and let's see how we all enjoy the ride...


  1. Can't wait to hear all your stories Paul. Cracking blog post from a top bloke running for a fantastic charity. Every single one of us at work will be cheering you on.


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