The journey begins...

My long distance running journey began in September 2008. I foolishly chose the notoriously hilly Great Langdale Marathon to make my distance debut, primarily to raise money for the neo-natal units at Hope and Burnley General hospitals which had cared for our severely premature first born son.

I really didn't know what to expect to the extent that my brother-in-law acted as chauffeur in case my legs were completely unusable after the race! The two-lap hilly-as-hell course was tough going but 4h 19m after toeing the line I'd done it and was seriously chuffed, especially as in the process we’d managed to raise £2620  £100 per mile!

Over the following few months I dabbled in a few long fell races including the infamous Tour of Pendle and Yorkshire Three Peaks. Then in May 2009 I pulled on my road shoes for my second marathon, this time at Windermere.

It was a cold and wet morning and I remained huddled in the car for as long as I could. As the rain finally subsided, I made my way up to Brathay Hall and witnessed what would turn out to be a memorable moment and foundation for my impending challenge.

A small circle of people were gathered on the lawn, clearly connected in mutual thought and support. Over the PA system someone announced that these guys  including the legendary multi-marathoner Steve Edwards  were running their tenth marathon in as many days. What?! WOW!

My first thought was how can anybody even contemplate that, they must all be mad! But as I watched them set off then made my way down to the start amongst the masses and behind the pipers, I felt genuinely humbled and awed by the 10in10ers setting off on the last leg of their journey and the unmistakable sense of togetherness they had.

Now a mere nine years later it could be my turn to be part of the 10in10 team and experience the “Brathay Bubble”  I hope you’ll follow my journey…


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